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Search results

  1. Rachie

    Oliver & Ebony do downstairs!

  2. Rachie

    Rabbits/baby gates

  3. Rachie

    Myxi Wildies

  4. Rachie

    Rabbit Proofing

  5. Rachie

    Vibes for Oliver please

  6. Rachie

    NIC cubes

  7. Rachie

    feeding recovery feed

    I've just returned for rushing Oliver rabbit into the vet We've come away with recovery feed but he's not interested! Any helpful hints in getting him to take it?
  8. Rachie

    Confined living

    My two have always been free ranged house buns, with more space being opened up to them under supervision but they've never been caged. Oliver did have a cage for his first few months with me but the door was removed and I got rid of it once he'd been neutered and recovered etc. I'm struggling...
  9. Rachie

    Wall chewing

    Okay, Oliver rabbits has returned to mr destruction bun! I'm slightly concerned it might be his teeth that is causing him problems - is this common? He's taken to chewing the corner of one of the walls. I'm fairly sure that he's problem doing it in a moment of boredom as it tends to happen at...
  10. Rachie


    Is it possible/common from a neutered pair? There was a good covering probably 3ft x 2ft of wee this afternoon. I just don't understand how/why!! OH mentioned it to me first and I just assumed it was a bit of splashed wee until I saw it for myself :shock: They had a good humping session at...
  11. Rachie

    Hay bales- Warwks/Midlands

    Just trying to scout out a potential new supply of my bales! The last time I went to my usual place (if you can call my infrequent visits usual) she was quite reluctant to let the hay go, she only allowed me a couple of bales as I said it was for my babbits! Any ideas?
  12. Rachie

    FAO Webbkath & Grin & other noseys!

    Finally! I'm back online! *pretends that it wasn't a blindingly simple and obvious problem to solve* Here are a few pics from my trip to Snowdon! The peak of Snowdon had been in cloud all the way up there: But when we got to the top, we were just getting ready to head back down and it...
  13. Rachie

    how long without water

    I've been out for the morning and have come home to find the babbits have succeeded ingetting themselves locked into the second bedroom. I don't think they could have been trapped for too long because they haven't peed anywhere but I'm obviously concerned that they haven't had access to water or...
  14. Rachie

    Devil Bunnies!

    :evil: Someone seems to have stolen my nice bunnies and replaced them with the Devil's own! I have no idea what has gotten into them lately but they're just a pair of nightmares! After we moved in a month ago, we had all the issues with peeing on the hallway carpet - I seem to have that sorted...
  15. Rachie

    litter tray issues

    Hi everyone, Need some advice before they end up in a pot! Recently moved house, rabbits have been home nearly two weeks. They have a litter tray in the kitchen which they do use but they seem to have a real thing about going wee wee on the hallway carpet - a mere 1.5meters away! I've put...
  16. Rachie

    Storage of hay

    Okay, so since I'm moving out of my lovely house, with garage, into a flat with no garage, one of my dear friends has kindly said that I can store my hay in his shed His shed isn't completely watertight though so I'm just wondering how suitable it will be. It doesn't flood or anything of the...
  17. Rachie


    I took Oliver in for his VHD jab and the result of the trip is that he needs a dental. His teeth are apparently growing to one side and the edges are getting sharp. Ebs is going to need a dental in the future too. I'm totally gutted and feel like I've failed them but this thread isn't about me...
  18. Rachie

    Dominance Issues - still?

    Okay, I've had my two together for nearly 2 years now. They had a bit of a fall out at six months, before we moved house in 2009, but I think that was partly down to me disrupting them/the environment with my box packing efforts. Every so often they have a bit of a to do and chase of each...
  19. Rachie

    Boys Vs. Girls

    Does anyone else find that their buns are generally quite typical of whichever gender they are (NB - This thread is meant to be quite lighthearted, I do not want 'what is normal' debates going on :p I find Ebony to be a typical girl. She always seems to be fussing Oliver, giving him a good...
  20. Rachie

    My Mum's Wedding (pic heavy)

    Hello, Just wanted to share some photies from my mum's wedding at the weekend :) They are just the pictures from my camera that my OH was in charge of and not the professional ones but wanted to share :D I should mention that I can't remember alot of these pictures being taken :oops: Having...