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Search results

  1. L

    how can u tell if your bun is happy???

    I was wondering if anyone knows how to tell if your rabbit is happy:)? what are the signs??? is hopping ands jumping mean they are happy?
  2. L

    can rabbits go out

    hello, i just wanted to know if my bun and piggies can go out in the run, as they are outdoor ones and are gagging to get out for a good old run on the grass. is the weather tooo cold for them??? if anyone could let me know that would be great x :D
  3. L

    can u house a rabbit in a cage where a rabbit has had myxy?

    hi, i was wondering if anybody could help me? i recently rehomed my friends lop eared rabbit, and was wondering if it would be ok to put him in a hutch that recently had an infected rabbit housed in it (Aug) i would be very grateful if someone could give me some info as i dont want to put him...