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  1. M


    accidentally killed her when i was doing chin up at my door way. those youtube vids are what is all what ive taken. RIP. makes me sad to reply this forum
  2. M


    her life just ended under my feet.. she doesnt scream.. so i think its too pain for her to make any sound.:( RIP labbit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOUyWZ6Qj4g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8k1a3xDXM8
  3. M


    I'll take good care of her for the rest of her life:)
  4. M


    yeap i am. she eats anything made of wood.:evil:
  5. M


    watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8k1a3xDXM8
  6. M


    ahha ya she's naughty. she jumped on my lap while i'm using computer. what the rabbit means when she stomp the ground and got keep making "puff" sound? lilminxlou : thx for those links.
  7. M


    Bunny sleeping while carrying her managed to capture her 2 front teeth
  8. M


    what breed is this? someone abandon it so i dont really know much about it.