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  1. K

    Falling Over

    Thanks for your messages I really miss him, had had him since he was a tiny baby. It was a shock when he died I just found him in his run taking his last breaths.:cry: And his girlfriend really misses him as well.:(
  2. K

    Falling Over

    Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who replied on this thread and sent me PMs. Sadly Oscar died last week, we never did get to the bottom of what wrong with him. :cry:
  3. K

    Falling Over

    Thanks everyone for your replies. I live in Southampton. I've started him on panacur today and if anyone can recomend a good rabbit vet that would be great.
  4. K

    Falling Over

    Thanks for all your replies. His eyes don't role at all and there's no head shaking. Trying to think if he falls one way all the time and I think he probably does. (Trying to picture him lieing in the garden) He had a short course of panacur recently but am I right in saying if it is EC he...
  5. K

    Falling Over

    Thanks for the reply. No he hasn't had his ears checked, I shall look into this. His back legs always seem fine and when I put him upright he hops off like nothing's happened.
  6. K

    Falling Over

    Hi I wondered if anyone had any ideas of what could be wrong with my 6 and half year old netherland dwarf, Oscar as he seems to have stumped the vet. When out in the garden he sometimes falls over onto his side and then can't get himself back up again. There doesn't seem to be any reason for...
  7. K

    Should I feed him dwarf pellets?

    I am no expert but have 2 dwarf rabbits and used to feed them the dwarf pellets but they got very fat so changed them onto the normal ones and they have been fine on them.
  8. K

    Snotty rabbit

    Thanks for the replys. The 'snot' is clear and there is definatly snot not just noisey breathing, she sneezes as well. She is bedded on newspaper and hay but the hay is not dusty. She was on the ;ast lot of antibiotics for over a month and there was no improvement and stressed her so much it...
  9. K

    Snotty rabbit

    Hi I'm new on here. I have 2 rabbits, Oscar a 5 year old castrated Netherland and Poppy a 5 year old entire female lionhead. I have a problem with Poppy and wondered if anyone had any ideas what could be wrong. I've had her for abot 2 years now she came to me from the college I worked at as she...