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  1. donstapley

    anyone else buns develop an attitude this time of year?

    ive currently got a pair of male neutered buns that have been bonded for nealry two years.....but always at this time of year they seem to get a bit stressy and have the odd disagreement, which occasionally ends in a couple of minor scrapes. 5 mins later and they're back to kissing and cuddling...
  2. donstapley

    problems with fighting bonded pair

    my two house rabbits Jp and peanut (both neutered males), have been bonded for 6-7 months now living very happily together. they occasionally have the odd disagreement, but after being told off by mummy go back to being their usual snuggly selves! But yesterday afternoon a disagreement errupted...
  3. donstapley

    Please tell me how you can love animals so much, but still eat meat?

    highly agree.....well said :D
  4. donstapley

    indoor bunnies

    my boy has a 4 x 3 foot dog cage as his "sleeping" area and has free run of the rest of the house....he enjoys lying in the hallway waiting for someone to ring the doorbell! There are litter trays in each room for him, so mess has never been a problem!
  5. donstapley

    Due vaccinations...

    fantastic...just so i know.....i wasn't considering not getting them done anyway its just something that crossed my mind
  6. donstapley

    Due vaccinations...

    My little man will be due his repeat vaccinations in october and i was just wondering..... he is a house rabbit and im moving into a flat next month, and unfortunatley will not have a garden. im just wondering as to whether it is necessary for rabbits to have both vaccinations if they dont go...
  7. donstapley

    Please tell me how you can love animals so much, but still eat meat?

    I dont agree with this at all. I love my animals dearly...i also love the animals that i work with. I WORK ON A FARM with cattle, pigs, sheep etc, and become very attached to these animals. i dont love any animal more despite whether they are in my sole care. yes it upsets me when the animals i...
  8. donstapley

    Will my BG stop spraying urine when he is done.

    my boys always been a housebun, up until now we've just put up with the spraying EVERYWHERE. since being neutered it has calmed down, however it has only been a week so has not yet stopped completely but we have definatley noticed MASSIVE improvements.
  9. donstapley


    it cost £51 to have my little man done. they go in early morning, and u'll recieve a call once they are out of surgery and waking up to let you know that everything went ok. you'll then be told when you can collect them (will be same day providing they come round well from anaestetic and begin...
  10. donstapley

    bunny op tomorrow!

    depends what he's going in for? if its a simple procedure then he's gonna be dopey for a couple of days. My bun went in for neutering last week...a minor op...but he looked drunk when he got home and was very sleepy and craved attention for a few days. he is also a house rabbit and i left the...
  11. donstapley

    What are the chances of pregnancy?

    saying that thoguh there is a chance....another post on here is very similar and the female turned out to be pregnant. the males can still be fertile for 4-8 weeks even after neutering.
  12. donstapley

    post neuter poops

    mine was given meds to kick start he's digestive system again...as when they go under anaestetic their guts stop working so it takes a while for them to get going again.
  13. donstapley

    weird noise

    haha mine does that but its more of a "hummm hummm hummm". he'd do it before he'd attempt humping my arm or leg. since he was neutered last week he hasn't done it! shame....it was quite an amusing noise!
  14. donstapley

    UV lamp for rabbits

    the wattage normally differs depending on the length of the lamp, so you'll obviously need a holder that fits that wattage. go for a 10% as this gives off the best UV and probably a 30 watt (around 24-30 inches) obviously depending on how big bunnies cage is, you want something that's about 3/4...
  15. donstapley

    New Vets in Kent

    this vets is amazing, we take all our animals from our college here!
  16. donstapley

    Free Roaming bunnies

    yep my JP has free run of the house....bedroom when im not home. he just goes in his cage over night to sleep. he got to the point where he's spraying everything and chewing wires....cant have him neutered for another couple of months though so for now i'l have to put up with clearing up and...
  17. donstapley

    bunny hates laminate flooring

    my bun was the same..didnt like it one bit but he eventually got used to it and now slides everywhere
  18. donstapley

    Stamping Feet?

    my jp does it if i tell him off...likes he's throwing a strop
  19. donstapley

    nose running?

    best to get it checked out...cause if it is respiratory infection it needs to be treated and they wont do her myxi jab if shes not 100%
  20. donstapley

    Hair Loss - probably overgrooming

    could be a sterotypie behavior.....your male could be overgrooming your female out of boredom. normaly captive animals do it to themselves as opposed to a mate but it could be a reasonable explanation.