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Search results

  1. MajorTom

    Available Individual: Three lops needing home

    Poppy had her op on Tuesday, she is officially a gummy bun! Hopefully her front teeth won't grow back. She's doing really well, was eating two hours after coming home and seems happier already, no more diahorea. The only complication is an eye infection / possible blocked tear duct which I've...
  2. MajorTom

    can a dog and rabbit live together...

    Hi, I have a Jack Russel. We've had so many different critters over the years that she has come to accept the presence of furries and scalies and they her, but it took some patience, some training and I never let them mix free and unattended. Each time there has been a new addition I've...
  3. MajorTom

    Available Individual: Three lops needing home

    Hi again. Yup I thought my vets fees were excessive. Unfortunately I have no other option, since I got ill it's the only vets I can get to :(. They used to be great, made no profit on meds, even refunded unused ones if you returned them, and I used to be able to negotiate group discounts as I've...
  4. MajorTom

    Available Individual: Three lops needing home

    If I've done this right, there should be some pictures below, I hope they're not too large! A bunch of bunnies (somewhat reluctant to stay still for the photo) Poppy having her banana Bugs in the middle in stealth mode
  5. MajorTom

    Available Individual: Three lops needing home

    Hi Mudchild, At the moment they are a bonded trio so I really want them to go together. However Poppy is already having to spend some time separate from the others (because she needs her food chopping and eats slowly), and after the op she will need more time alone whilst recovering. I'm...
  6. MajorTom

    Front teeth extraction - advice please

    I'd really like to hear from anyone who has experience with dental buns. I'm looking to have my girlie buns front teeth removed in a couple of weeks, she also has problems with her back teeth and the vet described them as stepped. She is a bony little girl although according to the vet not...
  7. MajorTom

    Help, wild rats

    Hey everyone, this thread has grown, I really didn't want to start a ratty war! I live in a town in a row of terraces, it's a small garden 20 by 30 ft, and I never use any chemicals. I have a small pond for the frogs (who I haven't seen now for a couple of weeks, hope they are just lying low...
  8. MajorTom

    Available Individual: Three lops needing home

    Sadly I still won't be able to keep them :cry:, it's not financially or physically sustainable but I'm hanging on as long as possible in the hope that someone out there will be able to take them and look after them in the way they need. I don't have the money for the next round of back teeth...
  9. MajorTom

    Help, wild rats

    Thanks everyone. I think I'm getting jumpy with everything that's going on, it's reassuring to hear the ratties should have little impact on the buns welfare. I had assumed initially it was mice as we've always had the odd mouse around outside. But this is a sudden nightly deluge of activity...
  10. MajorTom

    Help, wild rats

    Does anyone know of the risk of wild rats to pet rabbits, besides the obvious possible physical injuries if they get into the hutch and challenge for food. My main concern is about transmissible diseases, I know that people can catch Weils disease but what about bunnies. I am at my wits end, I...
  11. MajorTom

    Available Individual: Three lops needing home

    Thanks again everyone for sharing your experiences. On balance, I've decided to go for the extraction, I hope I'm doing the right thing and just maybe this will help reduce the spurs on her back teeth because she'll be able to chew much better. Cheers, Tracey.
  12. MajorTom

    Available Individual: Three lops needing home

    Thanks so much Soad, and big OOPS, I didn't realize the message was going to be posted as is, I was just expecting a permission, I'd have talked about the bunnies more and whined less! I want to reiterate just how lovely and laid back these buns are, they are so easy to perform health checks...