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Recent content by Williams New Mum

  1. W

    Advice Please..............................

    Hi, thanks for your reply. Ive just had him out in the living room for about an hour, he's been running all over the place and doing his kicks then he lay down in the middle of the floor on his side for about 5 mins.....................its so much better now I understand what he's doing...
  2. W

    Advice Please..............................

    Hi, Thanks again for all the excellent advice. He has'nt had his VHD and myxamatosis vaccinations yet but I have picked up some leaflets from the vets and I will be getting him vaccinated, hopefully one day next week. Are they a combined injection or will they be given seperatley ?
  3. W

    Advice Please..............................

    I do have 1 more question that I forgot to mention................in the sleeping section of the hutch should I use straw or hay. When I went to the pet shop they advised me to use hay which is what im using at the moment but on a website I was looking at it said straw should be used as bedding...
  4. W

    Advice Please..............................

    thanks for the advice, I need all I can get.
  5. W

    Advice Please..............................

    Advice Please..................... Thanks very much for both replys...................I feel much better now knowing that what he's doing isnt a sign of him being upset.
  6. W

    Advice Please..............................

    Hi Everyone I have recently taken on rabbit, last friday to be precise. He was unwanted and so cute that I could'nt say no, only 1 problem...............I have never owned a rabbit before. There are a few things that he is doing, im not sure if these are normal rabbit behaviour or whether he...