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Recent content by tiges11

  1. T

    Bunny's corner of eye seems red?

    Thanks again. Will be taking him on Monday but unfortunately that's all that can be done for now :( (unless of course it gets worse in which case we'll call emergency vet) I have to say that reading on other forums and threads that many people seem to have bunnies with their third lid showing...
  2. T

    Bunny's corner of eye seems red?

    Thanks for the advice unfortunately all vets nearby are closed, however have been reading up a bit more on it...would using saline drops be ok for him? or would it be best to wait for any prescriptions from the vet? also, would waiting until monday be too long seeing as they're not going to...
  3. T

    Bunny's corner of eye seems red?

    Luis, my little dwarf lop, seems to have a red eye in the corner. It's been like this for about a week now and whilst usually he would have gone straight to the vet we didn't have any money to spare at the time. So instead we've been monitoring him and he still eats fine and is jumping around as...