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Recent content by TheBunsketeers

  1. T


    Hazel is a continental giant cross, female, 1year 3months old. She has been eating normally (no diet changes apart from a couple of leaves of pak Choy??) she is still active. A few months ago she lost a lot of weight (she was 6kg ish but now is around 4.5/5ish! :( ) and hasn't put it on since...
  2. T

    Can a largish rabbit live with a small/medium rabbit?

    Barney my dwarf bun sound just like your male bun personality wise. He is very small and weighs around 1.6kg. After his original bunny wife (who was about the same size) passed away, I decided to rebond him. Tried most similar sized and aged RSPCA bunnies with no luck. Finally settled on a 12...
  3. T

    Weight gain advice?

    Oh' I actually already have some Fiba First I just didn't realise that was what it was called! I use it as a treat so maybe I'll just give it a bit more often for now. Definitely going to buy more forage- they love the stuff but again I was giving it only as an occasional treat :S Thankyou so...
  4. T

    Weight gain advice?

    I can feel them which is why I am worried! Could you possibly link me a photo of the products you mentioned so I know what to look for? Thankyou for your advice!
  5. T

    Weight gain advice?

    Hazel is a female continental giant who had just turned 1 year old. She has been steadily putting on weight since she was 'tiny' and now weighs round about 6kg give or take. Her weight is monitored weekly and she only fluctuates by 0.2g either way each week. She is perfectly healthy- exotic...
  6. T


    I thought this at first, however Hazel demands to be groomed and rarely grooms back, she will get first pick of tasty treats/new toys etc. Hmm interesting xx
  7. T


    Barney and Hazel have now been bonded for more than a year (Yay!) with no fighting and the only problem is that they occasionally chase each other but this never leads to anything other than them sitting seperately for a couple of hours in a huff. My problem is that Barney seems to have a BIG...
  8. T

    Three baby rabbits won't open their eyes. Need advise

    When you say you 'found' them can you explain further? I may be wrong but if you are referring to wild rabbits, their mothers only visit them 1-2 times a day usually at dusk and dawn to try and ensure they don't draw attention to them to protect them. You may have accidentally 'kidnapped' them...
  9. T

    Hello from me and all of my animal family!

    Actually I won't forgive you for coming across like this as I think it's rather rude and self important. I am extremely careful with them and they are fully supervised at all times- I have never had an issue with using them. Nor have I had an issue using them with rescue/college rabbits as...
  10. T

    Hello from me and all of my animal family!

    It's a H-Harness and lead which are perfectly safe. They have 24/7 access to a run and are only on their harnesses for the sake of photography once in a blue moon. :)
  11. T

    bonding help please!

    All looks very positive! Sprocket seems nonchalant about her being there. Although he is mainly ignoring her this is a good step forward as it means he doesn't mind having her around. She is displaying some dominant behaviour (lunging and forcing her head under his) although this again isn't a...
  12. T

    bonding help please!

    This is a fair point and I understand that this is a devastating circumstance, but it is down to the individual rabbit and whether or not it is already fearful of being transported, in which case this is definitely not the method to use. However, if I have tried to bond bunnies in small neutral...
  13. T

    bonding help please!

    Sorry you feel like this. I have successfully bonded 10+ rabbits using this method and have never seen rabbit so stressed as to cause permanent damage. It's about knowing the signs of stress (rapid breathing,/nose twitching etc.) and stopping if you can tell they are too stressed. I would never...
  14. T

    Help me plan the bunny shed?!

    Hello everyone :wave: I am going to be moving house in the very near future, and sadly I cannot take the current shed that the bunnies live in with me :( I have already got the new shed for them and it just needs moving into the house when we eventually get there. This is the shed they'll be...
  15. T

    bonding help please!

    When you click the link the video is set to private so we can't view it! :oops: Do you have a tumble dryer or washing machine at home? One good method to bond bunnies 'shock bonding'. Basically you put the bunnies in a situation that makes them nervous enough to seek support from each other...