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Recent content by teal

  1. T

    Rabbits eyes and head is twitching

    Yeah I'm worried so I'll have to do something, thanks for your help again :)
  2. T

    Rabbits eyes and head is twitching

    It was just a coincidence that she was eating, it happens when she's not as well, could still be teeth related though, thanks!
  3. T

    Rabbits eyes and head is twitching

    Thanks I'll try not to, yeah I was thinking it looked similar to a tic, I'm from a town outside of Glasgow x
  4. T

    Rabbits eyes and head is twitching

    I'll just stay positive and hope for the best, I've found a vet near me online that seems rabbit savvy I'll look into that, yeah the blinking does look uncomfortable I just hope she's not extremely uncomfortable, she still does the occasional binky which is good :) Yeah she's lovely I've had...
  5. T

    Rabbits eyes and head is twitching

    Okay thanks for the advice, oh god that last link doesn't sound good :( I'm not in the best financial situation but obviously I don't want my rabbit to be ill or in pain so I'll try my best to find a vet near me that specialises in rabbits x
  6. T

    Rabbits eyes and head is twitching

    Do you think I could contact a rabbit savvy vet through email if I can't easily get to them? (don't drive or have anyone close to me that drives) I'd say I noticed it just over 3 weeks ago (pretty sure that's when it started because I'm basically constantly with her because she lives in my room...
  7. T

    Rabbits eyes and head is twitching

    Yeah it's say constant blinking with the head slightly twitching, thanks I'll check out your links to find a rabbit savvy vet, I hope the panacur starts helping a bit as well x
  8. T

    Rabbits eyes and head is twitching

    If you type in 'teal' it should work, if it doesn't then yeah I'll try uploading it to youtube :)
  9. T

    Rabbits eyes and head is twitching

    Here's the video, if it says it needs a password to view it just type in teal. https://vimeo.com/225972529 She's in no pain that I can tell but she gets pretty annoyed with the twitching as you can see from some parts of the video, I've also slowed down some parts so you can see it better
  10. T

    Rabbits eyes and head is twitching

    Also just thought I'd mention it's not constant, sometimes it looks worse sometimes it looks like it's gone that's why it's hard for me to get a proper video (I even had to show the vet a video because her symptoms weren't showing when we were at the vet)
  11. T

    Rabbits eyes and head is twitching

    She's white but doesn't have red eyes, she's about 1 year and 10 months old. Her actual eyeballs don't seem to be twitching it's more of a blinky twitching, and it seems like more of a facial muscle twitch. Thanks for your help and all the links I'll check them out, and no I wouldn't say it...
  12. T

    Rabbits eyes and head is twitching

    Thanks for all the useful links I'll check them out!
  13. T

    Rabbits eyes and head is twitching

    Thanks for the reply, I'll mention the CT scan to my vet, thanks
  14. T

    Rabbits eyes and head is twitching

    My rabbits eyes and head have been twitching, this has been going on for a while now. She's been acting normally, eating, drinking, playing etc. I took her to the vet and he said everything looked normal, but he's gave me panacur to give her just to be safe ( I guess just in case it's e.cuniculi...
  15. T

    Which indoor rabbit cage would you recommend the most out of these three?

    Thanks! :wave: Okay I think I'll end up doing that then, I think I'll go with the second cage I posted with puppy pens around it or I'll rabbit proof the room and let it explore freely :) Do you recommend using fleece in the cage?