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Recent content by tdsouza

  1. tdsouza

    Would very much appreciate mega vibes- Wish UD post 11

    Sending plenty of vibes for wish. Hope she feels better soon
  2. tdsouza

    4 month pair of cuties!

    :love: :love: :love:
  3. tdsouza

    Ginger needs your biggest vibes please

    Sorry Ginger isn't very well. Socks sends nose rubs to Ginger and a big groom to Biscuit for bring help.
  4. tdsouza


    Binky Free Woody.
  5. tdsouza


    I use the Medivet in Watford as they have a rabbit specialist there. They are expensive, my hamsters consultation was more expensive then getting both my rabbits 1 vaccination each.
  6. tdsouza

    Ginger again :(

    Sorry Ginger is so ill. Sending lots of vibes and Socks sends her lots of nose rubs.
  7. tdsouza

    Pet sitters Watford

    I had 3 robo who all sadly passed this year of old age, they had great characters. How far is Ashford from Watford as I don't have a car at the moment (am looking).
  8. tdsouza

    Pet sitters Watford

    I have two House rabbits Marshmallow and Socks, plus Degus and a hamster. The rabbits have recently split up and I am rotating who is in the cage and who is free range.
  9. tdsouza

    Pet sitters Watford

    Hi, I'm going away next weekend and my pet sitter has dropped out and my back up was my sister, but as Marshmallow has a stasis episode on Monday and is slowly getting better I don't really trust her enough to look after a sick bunny. Does any one know of a pet sitter in the Watford...
  10. tdsouza

    Good Bye Hay Monster (and Sooty and Sweep)

    :love::love::love: They look very happy together.
  11. tdsouza

    Anyone want some baby nethies?

    These are lovely. Exactly what I want for my two recently divorced pair. Shame I need a car and a place which will allow me more pets before I can start to look for new partners for my guys.
  12. tdsouza

    Maze Haven - as good as it looks?

    I had the maze heaven and the buns loved it. I had to throw it away recently as it had been chewed to pieces and I will definately be buying a second. It is large and takes up a lot of room.
  13. tdsouza


  14. tdsouza

    Survelliance camera

  15. tdsouza

    Fighting - Seperated

    Yes he can, I had to reduce his food as he was slightly over weight, but now down to the right size. He does love his food :D. Thinking about a bunny cam so I can see what's causing the problem, as they only fight/fur pull when I am not home, which makes it harder to solve.