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Recent content by Stickybun

  1. Stickybun

    Let's See Photos of your bunnies' homes!

    Oh, that did make me giggle! Max has a lovely clean, tidy, comfortable and interesting custom-built bunny condo all of his own, lovingly built by his devoted owner, and where is he? On the bed, of course! :lol:
  2. Stickybun

    Are my bunnies stupid?!

    My pair's favourite toy is the multi-armed top part of a jewellery stand (you know the type - a posh frock on a mannequin sort of thing, the top cracked and the metal hanger bit came out). They absolutely love it, chuck it around all over the place. Very strange, cos it's quite heavy, doesn't...
  3. Stickybun

    My bunnies freeranging in the sunshine...

    Gorgeous! :love: Love that action shot off the wall, and the polished mahogany coat
  4. Stickybun


    After seven cans of lager, she was certainly drunk :censored: and with children asleep in the house :censored::censored::censored: I hope, for that poor beautiful bunny's sake, if he HAD to go back to his home, he got a new house to live in and a friend to share it with. I hate to see them...
  5. Stickybun

    Is a house bun a happy bun?

    Mine live indoors, I do put them out in the pen if it's a nice summery day and we're at home (wouldn't put them out there without supervision, especially as Lily is a miner at heart and digs furiously from the minute she's put out there), but on the whole they don't seem all that keen on...
  6. Stickybun


    Does anyone know how Bunny is now? This happened six months ago, according to the DM, and I think it also said he was back at home :shock: I sincerely hope he was removed from "home" and taken somewhere clean, safe and comfortable where he could have some company.
  7. Stickybun

    just found lost bunn

    Might it be worth you contacting Pirate FM? They often do a shout out for lost and found pets and, as so many people in Cornwall listen to that station, they're usually very quickly reunited with their owners even if the owner wasn't actually listening at the time http://www.piratefm.co.uk/...
  8. Stickybun

    rescuing a new bunny - cornwall

    Shannon, there's a lady in Okehampton that rescues buns, we got Lily from her. I don't know if she'd do bonding though.
  9. Stickybun

    Lily and Jim

    Thank you Amy, that's very sweet of you, but I've just discovered that my husband's nephew is now making regular trips down our way and he lives in Bristol too, so I shall be having a little word shortly!! Thank you for your kind offer xx Sarah
  10. Stickybun

    Lily and Jim

    That's weird, the second pic is now the right way up!? Isn't technology marvellous? :lol:
  11. Stickybun

    Lily and Jim

    Thanks everyone :love: Incidentally, if anyone's looking for cube grids, I've only found one other mention of these particular ones on here, and it was over a year ago http://www.displaysense.co.uk/exhibition-wire-cube-shelving-componetns/ Might be useful if, as I've also seen today on here...
  12. Stickybun

    Lily and Jim

    Yes Fudge, here's one from when it was at the other end of the room: ... and here's one I took a few minutes ago! Dear old Oz, he does love the bunnies so much but I don't think they'll be very pleased to see him in their bed! They're only shut in completely overnight; they have the run of...
  13. Stickybun

    Stuff to dig in

    Lily digs in the settee :roll: Likes nothing better than burrowing under a cushion and getting busy. She does give herself away though, she's such a growly bun! I'd love to put them out in the garden again now it's getting warmer, but she's already excavated two burrows in the new lawn, which...
  14. Stickybun

    Lily and Jim

    Thought I'd share my babies with you ... Double-decker buns in their bedroom: You OK down there, Lil? Yes? Can I help you? Go 'way Mum, I'm snoozing See? ZZZZzzzzz... Bunnystuffers (taken at floor level by my 7-year-old) It's a hard life ... Sorry, can't get the...
  15. Stickybun

    I've finally got the coveted shot!

    Heehee! You beat me to it, Rabswood - I was just thinking "OMG it's Frank from Donny Darko"!!