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Recent content by sarahxemma

  1. S

    Rabbit keeps digging up litter box.. VERY frustrating. Help! :(

    Aww bless, well I hope everything goes ok! Haha, maybe she is! Ill take a look at the videos when I go on the PC, on my mob atm
  2. S

    Rabbit keeps digging up litter box.. VERY frustrating. Help! :(

    Ill try and give them ago! Aww no why did he have sore teeth? Oh no lol, I guess you have to laugh about it sometimes, naughty boggers!
  3. S

    Rabbit keeps digging up litter box.. VERY frustrating. Help! :(

    Exactly the same as mine. She bites the bars of the pen being noisy as well to get out and its like you don't realise how lucky you are to have a nice big pen when a lot of rabbits are unfortunately shoved in a small hutch outside on their own all their life! I just have an old cat one.. In...
  4. S

    Rabbit keeps digging up litter box.. VERY frustrating. Help! :(

    Oh wow really! Hmm I'm going to have to think of something lol. They have the whole room when I'm at home which is a lot of the time as I work part time.. And when I'm not around they have a large playpen so they're not short of room lol. My males totally the opposite to her, very sweet and...
  5. S

    Rabbit keeps digging up litter box.. VERY frustrating. Help! :(

    Did you find any miracle cures? Lol
  6. S

    Rabbit keeps digging up litter box.. VERY frustrating. Help! :(

    I was using wood pellet litter which when was absorbed she tended to dig but now has the habbit all the time. I'm going to just try newspaper and hay like you say and see if it improves. For the time being I've had to put the litter box in my dogs old plastic dog basket so I save it from going...
  7. S

    Rabbit keeps digging up litter box.. VERY frustrating. Help! :(

    She's pooing and eating fine and has been spayed. Ever since her hormones kicked in when she was younger she never lost the destructive hehaviour that goes with it. As I speak the litter box has been destroyed :|
  8. S

    Rabbit keeps digging up litter box.. VERY frustrating. Help! :(

    I have two bonded rabbits and my female keeps digging up the litter box, talk about irritating! Its getting really annoying to keep cleaning up all the mess everyday all over my carpet. Anyway, heard about litter boxes with a grated bottom.. Where could I buy one of these? Is there anywhere...
  9. S

    Newly bonded rabbits. Female paying little attention to male and will not groom him?

    Hi everyone. I recently adopted a male rabbit called Willow from a rescue centre, they bonded my female Macey and him for 2 weeks as I was not experienced with this. Anyway, they are both home now but my female pays very little attention to him. She does snuggle with him sometimes but it seems...