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Recent content by sarah bart

  1. S

    Moody rabbit

    Hello, yes it looks like it's not just my bun then I'm sure I have heard about moody January before. My mom's scared stiff going round my bun at the moment she chases you goes for the ankles and growls. She's a big bun too.
  2. S

    Not sure what is wrong with bunny.

    She's back home now after 3 days bit sleepy after anaesthetic, you do miss them when there not at home. Vet said if I am still bit worried about her I could try metacam but she said see how she settles back at home. Guess sometimes the cold can get in bunnies bones as well as ours.
  3. S

    Not sure what is wrong with bunny.

    Hello sweeps vet just phoned shes had all xrays done checked bladder fine no calcium stones she seems to have all clear im pleased. Vet noticed one thing with her bones on scan they look more white then normal she needs more calcium so lots of broccoli turnip and kale so good news. Thanks for...
  4. S

    Not sure what is wrong with bunny.

    Seems weird no bunny for two nights shes usually guarding the fridge and door ways and bossing anybody around who dares to go to these places. Vet says shes eating and pooping loads which is good. I will have to see what xray shows and take things from there.
  5. S

    Not sure what is wrong with bunny.

    Sarah and sweep Hello thanks for your support took sweep for check on Friday morning she had blood test results were fine she had internal scan results were fine but vet couldn't get good view of bladder. Vet phoned me later and asked if i want her to come home with painkiller or stay over...
  6. S

    Not sure what is wrong with bunny.

    Thanks again for all advice I went to vets again today, sweeps put nearly all her weight back on good news temperature normal. Ive got her booked in for examination and blood tests tomorrow(as ive got day of work) see if everything is good internally. Thanks for help sometimes you think its just...
  7. S

    Not sure what is wrong with bunny.

    Sarah and sweep Thanks alot for all your advice its a big help been racking my head wondering whats wrong with her. She had a combined myxomotosis and vhd jab in july. When she comes in the house i turn of the fire or turn it very low and keep the door open to keep room cool. I live in uk...
  8. S

    Not sure what is wrong with bunny.

    Sunday 11/12/16 Hello my name is sarah I am new to forum and I have a large long haired breed bunny called Sweep who is neutred, female about 3 and a half years old. She stays in conservatory in the day or the large run and in the evening she comes in the house then sleeps back in the...