• Forum/Server Upgrade If you are reading this you have made it to the upgraded forum. Posts made on the old forum after 26th October 2023 have not been transfered. Everything else should be here. If you find any issues please let us know.

Recent content by Sara Blackers

  1. S

    Blackberry & Co can't get on the site :(

    Can any Mods help me with this? I've PM'd Tamsin, but guessing she might be on her hols or something, and not sure who is an active Mod any more. I'd rather not lose my old account, especially as I've paid to be a forum supporter on it :( I wanted to add a new selling thread, but don't want to...
  2. S

    Blackberry & Co can't get on the site :(

    Thank you :) Think this is temporary account no. 4 now LOL!
  3. S

    Blackberry & Co can't get on the site :(

    You can't send a PM until you've done a certain amount of posts :)
  4. S

    Blackberry & Co can't get on the site :(

    Hello, me again (Blackberry & Co) - usual problem of not being able to log in or get a password reminder. I'm on a new laptop, and want to be able to log in on here, but since the forum crash a few years back I never seem to be able to log in on a new device or reset my password.