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Recent content by sammatt

  1. S

    newbie. hutch questions need help with

    They are only 10 weeks old so no. We've introduced a litter tray. Also I was thinking of sealing up the bottom of the cage as there's a slight gap around the edges and as the rabbits pee in the corners it runs down into the floor I think I'll definitely put some vinyl tiles down. I think the...
  2. S

    newbie. hutch questions need help with

    I was told not to use .newspaper because if the ink gets on their fur they will lick it off an the ink will go in their mouth
  3. S

    hutch pee question

    Just got two rabbits and a large two tier hutch. We've decided to keep the rabbits indoors as there's been a few thefts from back gardens in the area. Anyway. Does anyone have any tips for keeping the wood of the hutch dry. We often get pee on the floor having dripped down from the hutch. They...
  4. S

    newbie. hutch questions need help with

    Just got two rabbits and a large two tier hutch. We've decided to keep the rabbits indoors as there's been a few thefts from back gardens in the area. Anyway. Does anyone have any tips for keeping the wood of the hutch dry. We often get pee on the floor having dripped down from the hutch. They...