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Recent content by saguaroflower

  1. saguaroflower

    Rabbit Has Bloody Poop

    The vet didn't say if both were affected. I would assume both from how she talked, but I don't know for sure.
  2. saguaroflower

    Rabbit Has Bloody Poop

    Definitely good news!! While she is not out of the woods yet, the blood tests weren't concerning so she doesn't have any other serious issues. She's home on pain meds, antibiotics, and we are giving her fluids with an IV every 12 hours along with syringe feeding her liquid food to get her...
  3. saguaroflower

    Rabbit Has Bloody Poop

    Hello again. Lily wasn't doing well this morning. She wasn't eating or drinking and there was no poop in her cage, but still lots of blood. Lily is at the vet for blood work but just received an x-ray. The x ray shows kidney stones which have caused an intestinal infection explaining the...
  4. saguaroflower

    Rabbit Has Bloody Poop

    Yes we made sure it wasn't from her vagina. We've done blood tests, x-rays, and I'm pretty sure PCR testing but still no answer. It only seems to be coming out when she poops, but that might be just because she's moving the muscle. Thank you for the response, I appreciate it!
  5. saguaroflower

    Rabbit Has Bloody Poop

    Hello, I'm really scared so I just made an account to post this. All the vets are closed otherwise I would take her right now, but I have to wait until morning. My female rabbit, Lily, is spayed and 8 years old. She has existing health problems. She can't pee on her own. We had her x-rayed and...