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Recent content by Rosa

  1. Rosa

    First time bonding

    Hi guys, I've started the process of bonding my bunnies, Enid and Benjie. Benjie is a 6-7 month old neutered male I've had since July/August. He's hyper, bouncy, loves food, and loves snuggles. He's a mini lion lop. Enid is a 2year 8 month old unspayed female who I've had for just over 2...
  2. Rosa


    Thank you Lagomorph Lion!! We are getting him a companion but nowhere will let us choose one until he's neutered. When he is we will give him some time to recover and then go to the RSPCA who have said they will do the rabbit to rabbit bonding for us as he is my first bunny and have basically no...
  3. Rosa


    Thank you so so much! He's already an affectionate little thing and often kinda begs us for attention. I'm guessing he's just being a hormonal teenager but I will only know once he is neutered! The last time he bit me I just had my hand in the cage to let him sniff me (I'm used to cats so this...
  4. Rosa


    It is usually out of the blue, but thank you for telling me the warning signs!
  5. Rosa


    Ok, thank you! Like I said he's my first bunny so I'm still learning. Thank you!
  6. Rosa


    Hello everyone! Recently I purchased a beautiful Mini Lion Lop who I have named Benjamin. He's currently a little over 10 weeks old and is very well socialised. Over the last few days he's started biting. Not full on biting, but what I call "warning bites" that don't break the skin. He does it...