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Recent content by Rockycoco

  1. Rockycoco

    Advice Please

    Hi we lost our Rocky nearly a week ago and have moved Coco into the living room and have been giving her lots of love and attention. How long is best for her to move her back into the hutch. it was heartbreaking watching searching for Rocky in the hutch and she looked so sad :(
  2. Rockycoco

    Poor Coco

    I am so sad for my Coco she is missing her Rocky who we said goodbyes to earlier today :(
  3. Rockycoco

    Binkying to put to sleep in less than 48hours. Gutted newbie understatement :(

    I feel your pain so so much had to say goodbye t my Rocky today i feel like i have part of me missing :( thinking of you too xx
  4. Rockycoco

    Sad Day

    Rocky was the Black and white Dutch in the picture. loved him so much
  5. Rockycoco

    Sad Day

    Hi having a sad day as we took our Rocky to the Vet and we said our goodbyes for the last time. feel so sad now :(
  6. Rockycoco

    Sudden Death

    Thats So sad to hear about your little one. xx
  7. Rockycoco

    help avice required for our Rocky

    Thanks for your advice. Rocky is still passing urine and poo but the poo is very sticky but not liquid?
  8. Rockycoco

    help avice required for our Rocky

    Have you heard of any other illness where the Rabbit loses use of front paws? i thought maybe he has had a stoke.
  9. Rockycoco

    help avice required for our Rocky

    The Vet gave Rocky a good all over check feeling his body checked his heartbeat which was normal. She gave a pain injection based on the symptoms that his 2 front legs are limp. she gave me some Panacur to help? he has just eaten some nuggets and water too.
  10. Rockycoco

    help avice required for our Rocky

    Hi I have a very poorly bunny called Rocky i noticed yesterday morning that he has lost use of his front paws and has lost his balanced. I took him to our local vet who gave us a diagnosis of E cuniculi. She prescribed a drug called panacur but wasnt hopeful of recovery. It is now nearly...