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Recent content by robynbyn

  1. R

    How do you tell your bun/s off?

    i stomp my foot and go TSSST.. the foot stomping usually gets their attention..lol
  2. R

    BARC baby bunny piccy fix

    nopers no rexies, they all have straight whiskers and it looks like the hair behind their ears is straight too:) my fluffy is a rex mix, shes got the strangest fur.. curly whiskers and neck hair, but her body fur is,, well, its not rex soft, or even normal bunny soft.. its sort of,,, coarse...
  3. R

    Matildas baby thread-Updated post 86-18 days old

    :shock::shock:shes as big as my fluffy!lol and fluffy is something like..*counts fingers*6 months!!
  4. R

    Temp residents due to come to woodlands tomorrow...

    !!!!oh! they look so dignified with the hair!!!!! the white one needs a lil monocle@@@@@
  5. R

    Grey coloured droppings ...worried!!!!!

    have they been given a different kind of treat lately? some food dyes will do that to poo..
  6. R

    House bunnies & destructive behaviour

    im thinking of trying apple cider vinegar,, that stuff can peel paint off the walls its so strong
  7. R

    House bunnies & destructive behaviour

    my buns "live" in an unused bathroom that i usually leave the door open to so they can come and go as they please on the second floor..and have a smaller cage in the bathroom that is their "bedroom". they get put in the bedroom at night, and anytime im not home or cant "hear" what they are...
  8. R

    Matildas baby thread-Updated post 86-18 days old

    that is going to be one human-friendly baby, having you touch him since he was lil:) so gosh darn cute
  9. R

    Suspicious Droppings...rats??

    post a pic, ill tell you what it is. could be squirrels,, do you have squirrels there? lol
  10. R

    What do you give your Rabbits for...

    sounds like you need a better vet:oops: check out the diet section. thats a lot of mueseli (sp) my 2 adult bunnies only get 1/2 a cup of pellets between them, and even that little bit is slowly being reduced.
  11. R

    What do you give your Rabbits for...

    bunnies wont get bored of hay. there are too many different types you can offer, in fact hay should be her main diet:) my bunnies LOOOOOOVE mulberry branches, leaves and berries... and i use pellets as treats at night. they also love the occasional peanut.
  12. R

    The Nibbler himself

    took me a secondto figure out the pic..lol adorable lop
  13. R

    Hello hello

    everyone is pretty nice here,, tend to be a little stuck on nuetering, but its whats best for you bun, and no one means any harm:)
  14. R

    where do we pick to go potty?

    my dog goes on a 2x2 square of dirt.. i tried closing it off so the buns wouldnt dig in it, but they just find a way in to potty.:evil:
  15. R

    where do we pick to go potty?

    annnnnnnnnd now the cat is outside burying the bunny poo:roll: