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Recent content by RalphieRenskin

  1. RalphieRenskin

    Floorless rabbit hutch - too wet?

    Ooh that's a really good idea! Thanks so much! You're all full of brilliant ideas!!!
  2. RalphieRenskin

    Floorless rabbit hutch - too wet?

    Thank you, that's a great idea! Will try get hold of tarpaulin until we get the wood to adjust the hutch! Thanks so much for your help everyone :D
  3. RalphieRenskin

    Floorless rabbit hutch - too wet?

    That's what I'm worried about, I hate the thought of him being damp&cold throughout winter. He has a box, he just doesn't really go in it...he's such an odd bun. Earlier this year he had GI stasis, was over night at the vets. They said he would just jump on top of the box they gave him and...
  4. RalphieRenskin

    Floorless rabbit hutch - too wet?

    Hi everyone, This is my first post - I've had a look about and haven't seen anyone else posting similar, so apologies if I've missed it! I got a new hutch for my bunny Ralph for my birthday this summer, but I've just popped out to feed/cuddle him and noticed that the floor is so damp from the...