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Recent content by RabidFangLovesHerRosemary

  1. RabidFangLovesHerRosemary

    Boney,unusual breathing HELP D:!!

    Bad news Rosemary was on the way to getting better but suddenly went down hill and unfortunatley she was put to sleep on jan 7th around 6pm. She had been helped all she can but there was something that could not be treated. I'll miss my loving playful friend but she will never be forgotten. She...
  2. RabidFangLovesHerRosemary

    Boney,unusual breathing HELP D:!!

    Rosemary has been to the vets and it is indeed a respiritory infection. she had an antibiotics injection and we've been given some herbal medicen and antibiotics to give to her twice a day. The vat said some rabbits dont survive having this infection so fingers crossed on her recovery. Thanks...
  3. RabidFangLovesHerRosemary

    Boney,unusual breathing HELP D:!!

    no she hasn't been spayed.
  4. RabidFangLovesHerRosemary

    Boney,unusual breathing HELP D:!!

    shes looking a bit better thanks, still eating drinking and pooping and hopping about :P but she does seem very lethargic at times which worrys me. Thanks for the concern :)
  5. RabidFangLovesHerRosemary

    Boney,unusual breathing HELP D:!!

    Thanks i brought her in as soon as i noticed a change and she seems to be getting better but as soon as our local vets opens from the x-mas hols were taking her straight there incase its serious. Thanks for all your reply's btw , it helps me get a better understanding and also eases off some of...
  6. RabidFangLovesHerRosemary

    Boney,unusual breathing HELP D:!!

    Thank you :) i'll get her there as soon as possible. I was also wondering if rabbits are able to get colds because its been rather cold latley and my rabbit sleeps in the garage. We have decided to move her into the house to see if her health improves.
  7. RabidFangLovesHerRosemary

    Boney,unusual breathing HELP D:!!

    My rabbit is 4 years old now and as winter has crept in she has become alot skinnier and her breathing has become heavier. Is this to do with the cold, old age or is there a serious health problem? please help i am rather concerned :(