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Recent content by piggie

  1. P

    Sheltered Bunny accommodation

    Aw, thank you! They are beautiful & we're very in love with them.
  2. P

    Sheltered Bunny accommodation

    Ok. Think I've got it... (just don't tell my boss!) Not the best photos yet, but Introducing Sophie and Chloe
  3. P

    Sheltered Bunny accommodation

    I know, photos. Unfortunately, I work Wednesday to Friday & it's like a whirl wind till Saturday, especially with addition of two beautiful girls to our family of 3 children, 1 dog, 3 hens, and a lot of fish! Promise photos at the weekend.
  4. P

    Sheltered Bunny accommodation

    Thank you all. Love the idea of the wendy house. Will keep an eye out. I think adapting one of these is about our level of diy expertise!
  5. P

    Sheltered Bunny accommodation

    That's what I have. We're thinking of putting in extra tunnels for more excitement too!
  6. P

    Sheltered Bunny accommodation

    Wow, thank you for all the replies. This looks like a really friendly, welcoming site. I hadn't thought of working out the square feet. I make it 26 square feet sheltered and 36 square feet un-sheltered, giving a total of 62 square feet. I think their issue was the coop, and I can understand...
  7. P

    Sheltered Bunny accommodation

    Thank you, and hello back :wave:
  8. P

    Sheltered Bunny accommodation

    OMG. I never thought of doing that. Me and my hubby are fairly rubbish at DIY. Going to look at doing that.
  9. P

    Sheltered Bunny accommodation

    Thank you. Will sort that out asap.
  10. P

    Sheltered Bunny accommodation

    I have a photo of the unfinished setup, but I can't find a way of attaching it. My permissions won't allow me.
  11. P

    Sheltered Bunny accommodation

    Thank you for the welcome. Actually, SSPCA have said that they'll let us know if any come in. Just not as many buns up here as down south.
  12. P

    Sheltered Bunny accommodation

    Hi all, I'm new to the forum & new to keeping bunnies. We desperately need some advice about housing. We have been building a run system in order to adopt some rabbits from a well respected bunny rehoming organisation, and have hit a problem. Our set up is (and please read all the detail...