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Recent content by pens

  1. P

    need help

    i have manage to borrow some money an i have only just got back from vets the two that was poorly have been put to sleep so thanks for your advice
  2. P

    need help

    hi just rang my local vets and explained to them that i don't get paid until next week and they said they can not help me
  3. P

    need help

    hi thanks for replying but i don't get paid until next week and mum is still feeding them an cleaning them and they are starting to eat some solid food and im not sure what breed mum is but dad is a lionhead
  4. P

    need help

    hi thanks for replying but i don't get paid until next week and mum is still feeding them an cleaning them and i not sure what breed mum is but dad is a lionhead
  5. P

    need help

    hi my doe had three babies which are now three week old today one of them is hopping about happy as larry but the other two just sit there doing nothing and when they try and move they just flop to one side and they crawl on their side to get about and im not sure what to do do i give them time...