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Recent content by nicoli

  1. N

    help...dying rabbit

    I dont think they could have eaten anything poisonous, I don't have many plants or anything. Looking at EC on google looks as if it's a good possibility that that is what they've had. I'll write how I get on with the vet tomorrow and keep the kids away just in case. thanks....x
  2. N

    help...dying rabbit

    Hi, thanks again....the rabbits are all okay with their injections apart from the 3 rabbits (now 2) that were given to us a couple of weeks ago and their owner didnt know if they had had any vaccinations. That's good news that it can't be passed on the children at least. I'll wait till...
  3. N

    help...dying rabbit

    thanks i'll ring a vet in the morning but any quick advice now about whether I should try to seperate the others that are still alive or move them out into new hay? Or as good a job as you can make of cleaning a hutch in the dark? Also, another question if anyone can help, about the children...
  4. N

    help...dying rabbit

    thanks again, will check that link out now. do you know if this parasite is contagious? xx
  5. N

    help...dying rabbit

    thanks, we are in wigan, in the north west xx
  6. N

    help...dying rabbit

    Hi thanks everyone, that was quick! Yes we live in the UK, the 5 rabbits that are left are in 2 seperate hutches. What is EC? I'll google it now anyway? There are 3 in one hutch and 2 in another one although in the daytime when it's nice the children put them all together in the rabbit...
  7. N

    help...dying rabbit

    Hi, I've just joined up to see if anyone can help me. We've got several rabbits but over the last couple of weeks three of them have died. They have all died in the same way. It seems that their legs (back legs only from what I can tell) give in and they can hardly use them, they seem to be...