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Recent content by Newbunnies

  1. N

    Metal runs that are safe!

    Hi there, Looking for advice please. My rabbits have a large shed/ aviary complex that is great for everyday and is well above the min RWAF guidelines. However, it is all set up on concrete and come summer I would like to let them have a second place to go for variety sometimes, so I was...
  2. N

    Run advice please.

    Strangely it's the bars that are strong- way stronger than the ones on my Duchy Farms kennel ( which were upgraded for the rabbits!). It's more the wooden frame I was concerned about really, although I suppose that's the easiest problem to solve by adding sturdy brackets to it. I do have some...
  3. N

    Run advice please.

    Hi there, My buns are currently living in a Duchy Farm Kennel which is perfect for them. However I'd also like to add an extra run for some interest for them and also as more of an 'outside' area. Although the run on the kennel is lovely it is quite covered (three sides and a roof, plus...
  4. N

    Do I need to separate my buns?

    So, update from the vet. Male rabbit looks absolutely fine, no health issues at all.... vet is fairly convinced the female isn't pregnant (my usual vet wasn't there so I saw a different one, but she seemed good) No guarantees, but she seemed to think it quite unlikely especially because of the...
  5. N

    "Buzzing" noise

    Thank you, that's good news!
  6. N

    Do I need to separate my buns?

    Thank you all so much for your advice. I'm going to take them both to the vets tomorrow just to check them over. Him to make sure there's no reason why he suddenly seems quiet and scared of her, her to see if the vet can help establish if she's pregnant. I can then talk through what to do with...
  7. N

    Do I need to separate my buns?

    Seriously? My (supposedly rabbit savvy) vet told me it was fine from two weeks. Arrgghh. Well, I'm obviously going to have to keep them separate for now and then if it turns out she's not pregnant gently reintroduce them- that means I need to wait 2.5 weeks to make sure there's no pregnancy, by...
  8. N

    Do I need to separate my buns?

    She is definitely a girl, I can feel quite pronounced nipples and there are definitely no testes when I checked just now. Two different vets also checked her for me in the last few weeks, so I feel reasonably comfortable she's a girl. She has also started making a weird buzzing noise, like a...
  9. N

    Do I need to separate my buns?

    I kept them apart three weeks after the neuter- he was neutered around six weeks ago. At that time they lived in a way that they could see each other but definitely not touch. Was that not enough? That was the advice of my vet.... Gah, I'm really praying that she's not pregnant...I thought I'd...
  10. N

    Do I need to separate my buns?

    Just to add, he is eating and pooping normally, just seems a bit more timid than normal now.
  11. N

    Do I need to separate my buns?

    Hi everyone, I have a male/female pair who have lived together since 8 weeks old quite happily. The breeder started the bonding so when they came to me they were already happily bonded. The male is neutered, the female can't be until early January as my rabbit savvy vet likes to leave females...
  12. N

    Selling bunny housing items!

    I'm looking for runaround stuff too and I'm not too far from you. And a run.
  13. N

    Moving house - advice on creating a new set up for 5 buns - update p12

    Is the gravel accessible for a car through the double gates? If so I think I'd use the paved area the far end for the rabbits.
  14. N

    Hay Supplier- Herts

    Ah perfect, I go to the health food shop there for my vitamins! Thanks
  15. N

    Hay Supplier- Herts

    Thank you, I'll look at both of those. Which shop in St Albans do you go to? I actually live close to st albans so could go there. Thanks!