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Recent content by mykl

  1. M

    Don't Khow How To Respond!

    Thanks guys. Someone pointed me to this: http://language.rabbitspeak.com/rabbittalk.html I've only read the first two pages but it seems really good so far.
  2. M

    Don't Khow How To Respond!

    Two questions about Arfer, my mad lil' ******: 1) He keeps attacking my feet. He runs up, starts digging them and nibbling them and sometimes runs off again. How am I supposed to respond to this? If I try chasing him he hides under the table. If I go in after him he runs into his cage. 2) What...
  3. M

    Poo Problems

    So the recommendation is wait till he's three months old and have him neutered then he'll improve? I'm relieved you all say it's normal! I'm used to rats and they can be toilet trained much quicker.
  4. M

    Poo Problems

    Here's hoping... Strange thing is that he (mostly) respects our living room floor!
  5. M

    Poo Problems

    I had a rabbit who passed away ten years ago who lived in a hutch (or outdoor run on nice days). As we only let him run around the house for short periods we didn't try toilet training him - we just cleared up after him. Last week we bought a dwarf lop (he's now 7 and a half weeks old) and...