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Recent content by matty

  1. M

    help with new kits

    please guys this person has these kits and i dont know how much she should be giving them please help
  2. M

    help with new kits

    a few more questions :) how much how often for how long any soilds and when
  3. M

    help with new kits

    someone rang today because their rabbits have had kits there about 2 weeks old but their doe died today leaving kits with no mum :( whats the best thing to do now shes gone step by step or idiots guide please:) thanks
  4. M

    How do I keep a solo bunny stimulated?

    in the wild the main thing they would do is dig and chew an old plain t shirt or towel works well for them to dig on or a deep box filled with hay or shavings. apple tree branches or willow is normally a fav for buns to chew on a few things mine enjoy a toilet roll tube, fill one side with hay...
  5. M

    Diego is being neutured today

    try using a dust free bedding instead of shavings etc i used p@h safe bedding with mine works really well they dont shave much fur off but you should be able to see the stiches easily. if they start going a bit red dab them with saltwater i had to do that with mine but apart from that it was...
  6. M

    stasis recovery- warning long & rambling post

    i give my buns super solivax its a cod liver oil but is really good for skin and coats mine used to leave hair everywhere no matter how much i brushed her now there's no hair all over the floor and her coat is so much more silky too
  7. M

    quick questions

    thankyou for putting my mind at rest typical bloke :lol: just glad hes stopped humping her:roll:
  8. M

    quick questions

    hi everyone:wave: my 2 bunnies have been bonded and living together for several days now. problem is that she seems to really like him, grooming him, snuggling up to him etc, but i haven't seen him groom her at all and although he does seem quite content he isn't as affectionate towards her as...
  9. M

    Tourist Attractions that do not display the right message about rabbit ownership

    i am going to report them it really wasnt acceptable
  10. M

    my rabbits behaviour... help please

    well done AlisonA for replying with a sensible post explaining the reasons not to breed his rabbits it isn't Mitch's fault that he doesn't know the extent of unwanted rabbits i thought many years ago it my be exciting to bring some fluffy little bunnys into the world but not anymore because i...
  11. M

    Tourist Attractions that do not display the right message about rabbit ownership

    i went to a farm hall in barnsley in there they had guinea pigs and rabbits in together big bowls of food and water with those green pellets in you buy from gift shop and all sorts of rubbish polluting it and there was a rabbit with very young kits with other rabbits in the same pen and a big...
  12. M

    bonding problems

    its always been a couple of hours at a time its more him not showing her any affection:?
  13. M

    bonding problems

    right my problem is my male only seems interested in one thing:roll::lol:hes been done for about a month and shes was done several months ago there has been no fighting or aggression at all and she seems to have fallen in love with him:love: but i think he doesn't feel the same:cry: she will...
  14. M

    new problem?

    a few weeks ago we decided to let our bunny go free range in the kitchen but a few times since she has had a wee in a couple of corners of the room:roll:. she never did this before when she was out all day so why is she doing it now? any help or advise would be much appreciated:D
  15. M


    is there any early signs of pregnancy? if so what are they?