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Recent content by Maria Brudenell

  1. M

    I think Peter is dieing

    Hi, Dont know what to say, other than you know your rabbit best. Good luck its a hard decision. :cry:
  2. M

    VHD and Myxi Outbreaks Warning- last updated:1.11.08

    Hi just had Hotpot vaccinated against Myxi. Going to take him back on the 20th to have VHD because you have to wait 2 weeks. Vet never said there were any outbreaks in my area Long Eaton.:)
  3. M

    Litter of 8 arrived **Myxi update** ~survivors~

    Congratulations:thumb: a job well done.:bunny:
  4. M


    Hi, sound like you will have your hands full for a while. Good Luck hope all goes well with the windows and the babies. _____________________________ Mummy to Hotpot
  5. M

    The Rabbit Residence Rescue is in danger of closing!!!

    Hi Just signed it hope it helps:D Maria
  6. M

    My Lovely Giant Conti Hotpot at 14 weeks

    Hotpots Name Hi My husband and my 17yr old son picked the name. They thought it was very funny and my 41/2 yr old daughter kept calling it him so it was a bit late to change by then. when i get my next one they want to call it casserole. they think they are funny.:lol:
  7. M


    Hi, im Maria, I have just brought a Giant Continental Rabbit, 14 weeks old and he is already big. We have converted a leanto at the side of our garage for him and he loves it. We also have a really big garden but at the moment he goes on a harness with a long rope. He is lovely and friendly. i...