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Recent content by louiza

  1. L

    Rabbit boarding views

    I think the option to pay via paypal/online banking transfer is quite useful, i dont know if ive just become a paranoid lunatic living in london, but if my bun is staying somewhere for several weeks i dont like the idea of mooching around with loads of cash in my purse... I think the text idea...
  2. L

    anyone know any rabbit savvy vets in london?

    Im near elephant and castle, just checked out twickenham vets and its easy to get to, just a train from vauxhall Good old london transport! I always get stressed taking darcy on trains.. but she never seems too bad, she just gets bored and starts humping her blanket.. i think it stresses me...
  3. L

    anyone know any rabbit savvy vets in london?

    I want to get my rabbit spayed, but i dont think the vets I currently use are particularly rabbit savvy.. Im sure they know how to do it, but id rather go somehwere reccomended by someone, because im very paranoid! Im in south london, but most parts of london are okay to get to because im in a...
  4. L

    What's the silliest thing your Rabbits have ever done?

    when darcy was a baby, she got stuck behind the toilet! And then managed to fall down the toilet somehow!!! I had to wrap her up in a towell and put her by the radiator! Darcy also has a habit of bunny flopping on my bed, and falling off! Its so funny because i can see it happening before it...
  5. L

    a house bunnys first trip outdoors!!

    yeah, i did get some funny looks! some people on bikes stopped and started surruptitiously taking photos..
  6. L

    a house bunnys first trip outdoors!!

    Being a london dwelling bunny, Mr Darcy is not used to the outdoors.... i think he was a bit dazed by the whole experience!! i decided not to attempt walking him on his lead along the street, so now he must think his box is somekind of tardis which takes him the the park.... probably a nice...
  7. L

    Mr Darcy

    :wave: This is my house bunny mr Darcy! Posing for the camera! Relaxing after a hard day of chewing my shoes! Cabbage face! Posing for the camera again!! exploring the endless potential of the hole in the side of my bed! finding a new and innovative place to hide from me..........