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Recent content by Lord byron

  1. L

    Bonding a young rabbit with an adult rabbit

    Hey guys, good news! i reunited them last night on his turf as there was a door between them and he was getting pretty frustrated by it. i was half expecting him to throw a tantrum because she's in his territory now but to my relief he just inspected her newly placed litter tray then went over...
  2. L

    Bonding a young rabbit with an adult rabbit

    Great feedback thank you. Had a rather dramatic turn of events here! Got home from work to find that she's somehow scaled or jumped over the three foot wall around the crog loft and i can only imagine plummeted down into the office below. I got home to find her quite happily bobbing around in...
  3. L

    Bonding a young rabbit with an adult rabbit

    Thanks for the feedback guys, I'm really in two minds on what to do now. This morning they're being nice as pie with each other, currently snuggled up in the corner next to each other, which makes me think they're ok. They were the same yesterday however it seems to be in the evening that the...
  4. L

    Bonding a young rabbit with an adult rabbit

    Hi there, we're currently in the process of bonding a pair, one male castrated one week prior and one female age 8 weeks. First impressions everything was great, textbook behaviour from both of them right out of the gate. we're now on the second day and i'm starting to get concerned. during the...
  5. L

    Bonding a lone male, just castrated, to a young female.

    You will have to wait until she's 6 months old though, and if you use the area set aside for neutral bonding to let them see each other it'll stop being neutral. And if you bond her now, there is a chance it could fall apart when her hormones come in or when you need to separate her for a few...
  6. L

    Bonding a lone male, just castrated, to a young female.

    So, we've just had our male rabbit castrated at about 10 months old (we've had him since he was about 8 weeks old) and, much to our relief, it seems to have made very little if any difference to his temperament. He's still very affectionate towards myself and my girlfriend and is eating...