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Recent content by LoppyBunny

  1. L

    Would this be ok?

    I had a fairly small cage when I kept my bunny indoors; I found it useful to have somewhere for him to pop in and eat, drink and toilet. It was useful to have even though I didn't use it much; sometimes in the mornings he jumped on my bed and groomed my eyelashes which was a bit irritating so...
  2. L

    Bunnies not keen on their new hutch...

    Thanks; they have been out there and have a little potter but they don't use it much. They didn't use it much in the last hutch either but it didn't bother me as much as the hutch was so big. Now I feel they must be really under stimulated and I'd love to encourage them out there. Its been a...
  3. L

    do female rabbits mount

    My neutered females mount the males and visa versa so generally its nothing to worry about it if you are sure on their sex. If not, I would imagine vet nurses will do it for free or a rabbit savvy vet will have no problem. If you try yourself; put your thumb on the base of the tail and put...
  4. L

    What do you use instead of sawdust?

    I put lino on the bottom of my rabbits hutch then I put blankets on top.. they seem happy with it :) Perhaps not good for chewers though :?
  5. L

    VIP and SUPER VIP buns ar P@H!!!!!! *worse than ever!*

    I'm new here but I've been following the thread for a few days with interest; I know someone who works at PAH and although I don't know a huge amount about the VIP rabbits just thought I would add some points. - As far as I understand PAH don't make a profit on the normal rabbits sold after...
  6. L

    Bunnies not keen on their new hutch...

    I previously had my 2 rabbits in a huge home made 3 story rabbit hutch with a 2.5 meter run attached. There was room for a big dog bed full of hay, cushions, blankets, tunnels etc. I have recently moved and unfortunately couldn't take the hutch with me. I purchased a new double story standard...