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Recent content by Lindsey83

  1. L

    Rabbit losing hair - ringworm/ mites??

    Thanks. His ear doesn't seem to be as red, so hopefully that's it starting to heal. It's making a lot easier to rub the drops on much easier.
  2. L

    Rabbit losing hair - ringworm/ mites??

    Thank you for replying. I've had Floyd back at the vet today. They have taken a sample which will be sent away to be tested just to make sure of what it is. I've to carry on with the treatment in the mean time. Hopefully it will start to heal. Thanks again
  3. L

    Rabbit losing hair - ringworm/ mites??

    Hi, I'm new to this forum but I'm hoping someone can offer me some advice. I recently got a rabbit 5 weeks ago, he is called floyd and is a dwarf lop. Within the first week I noticed he had a bald spot on one of his ears, it started to get bigger so I took him to the vet to get checked out...