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Recent content by lilyfish

  1. L

    Possible Mxi exposure, freaking out, please help :(

    The vets did say they knew in general of Dawlish Warren having outbreaks of myx , but i just got an email from the Dawlish Warren people saying they haven't seen any cases this year yet! I'm fairly sure everything will be ok, the chances of Tiggy catching it AND for the vacc to be no good are...
  2. L

    Possible Mxi exposure, freaking out, please help :(

    Jack's-Jane: Luckily the beach we were on was a no-dogs one, and whenever we were near dogs on the grass they stayed in their carrier. Still, we have several dogs at home so they're quite used to 'em. Anyway, good news! Took Tiggy to the vet and they said a vaccination post-exposure could still...
  3. L

    Possible Mxi exposure, freaking out, please help :(

    Thank you, I appreciate the support. Emailed the Dawlish Warren nature reserve website to see if they have any info on myxi outbreaks. I would go to an RSPCA vet but mine is quite literally next door to me (seriously, 2 minute walk, it's great!) which makes everything a LOT easier. I don't drive...
  4. L

    Possible Mxi exposure, freaking out, please help :(

    I might be overreacting, as the only info I have on the area having myx is this webpage where it says the rabbit population gets outbreaks from time to time http://www.dawlishwarren.co.uk/mammals.html the field we were on for the longest time at dusk is unlikely to have any bunnies living on it...
  5. L

    Possible Mxi exposure, freaking out, please help :(

    Do you know (or does anyone know) of the effectiveness of a post-exposure vaccine?
  6. L

    Possible Mxi exposure, freaking out, please help :(

    Hi, been lurking for a while but this is my first post, so hi :) Recently I acquired a second bunny as a friend for my first (Fu). His name is Tiggywinkle (out of beatrix potter, Tiggy for short). He is approx. 4 months old. Today, I did an incredibly stupid thing, and am absolutely...