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Recent content by laura_murray1

  1. L

    Rabbit after being neutered

    Oh good! Thank you guys. He is still on hutch rest but is craving attention and comes to the door every time I check on him. I feel mean as I think he keeps hoping he can come out and play but I know it is for his own good. He has also got a massive appetite now bless him.
  2. L

    Rabbit after being neutered

    My rabbit got neutered on Tuesday and today is Thursday. He seems to have bounced back extremely fast, which I am pleased about. He is eating and back to being his lively little self. I'm just worried if he is too lively will he hurt himself. How can I stop him running and jumping?
  3. L

    Rabbit and dog

    Hello, My rabbit is only 16 weeks and he is getting neutered next week. He has been really friendly, jumps on my lap for grass/treats. He lives outside but comes in the house everyday for a few hours. I live with my boyfriend but have a family dog who lives with my parents. The dog comes to...
  4. L

    Working and having a 9 week old bunny

    Thank you! You have put my mind at rest. He is hopefully getting neutered and having his jabs during next half term. Thanks.
  5. L

    Working and having a 9 week old bunny

    Hello, I have just bought a nine week old mini lop. He has settled in well. He lives outside and when I go to his cage he hops on my lap and I give him a treat and I am able to pick him up. I bring him in the house for play times but at the moment he is in a pen inside whilst he gets used to...