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Recent content by Kenny

  1. K

    Both of my rabbits were killed last night ! :(

    I live alone and they were my best friends.. would it be safe to get any more rabbits..? Will the fox be back ?
  2. K

    Both of my rabbits were killed last night ! :(

    I got them from the RSPCA about 4 years ago.. Mother and daughter, Phoebe and Piper.. I dont even know what breed they were.. Do they look like French Lops..they were pretty big..
  3. K

    Both of my rabbits were killed last night ! :(

    They are normally kept in a hutch with a run pushed up against it so they could stretch their legs .. but last night I didnt put them to bed and just left them running around the garden overnight..Since I let them out during the day sometimes.. They loved to run around and climb over things..so...
  4. K

    Both of my rabbits were killed last night ! :(

    :cry: I walked into the Garden this morning to feed my two bunnies and found them both decapitated and one had been gutted.. I'm so sad.. I feel so guilty as I didnt put them to bed in their hutch and left them in the garden. I'm so sad. It was really difficult clearing up the remains and...