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Recent content by juneau

  1. J

    mega colon

    i dont know what he test is called but the vet said inserting dye into his rectum to show up how wide the colon is but he is not doing well at the moment he hasn,t eaten since this morning and has passed only a few small droppings despite having cisapride, loxicam, ranitidine and parafin, losing...
  2. J

    mega colon

    Dylan has been passing wet splatters for a while now but he has been ok in himself its only been the last 2 weeks he has been off his food and droppings are misshaped, the vet just thought due to his symptoms it may be the problem and if hes no better next week i think she is going to do some...
  3. J

    mega colon

    Hi, i just came back from the vet with my 3yr old rabbit Dylan, for almost 2 weeks now his appetite has been poor and droppings either none or small, he saw a vet last week but was given a shot of emeprid which did no good at all so this morning i took him to a rabbit vet and he now has...