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Recent content by JLW

  1. J


    I had a problem with field mice a while ago. they kept going into Dylans hutch and he caught some type of lice off them which cost me £70 to get treated. i had to strip his hutch and keep setting traps for weeks in the end we caught about 15 and then we think they got the message. just check...
  2. J

    Fur mites - anyone got any long term solutions?

    my bunny dylan caught these resiliant lice things off some field mice that invaded his hutch (all gone now thank god). they advantage didn't work after paying £14 i took him back and they gave him this really strong stuff which is toxic to cats. Not sure what it was called somthing like xXx...
  3. J

    Hay and Indoor cages

    Does anyone live in Staffordshire who knows where i can get some decent hay for my bunny to eat, he won't eat ordinary hay and hasn't had any for a while now and i need to cut his food down and feed him more hay. I know his digestion is fine cause he eats loads of veg to compensate for his lack...
  4. J

    Bathing rabbits

    Dylan my little monster hass had 3 baths - mainly becuase he gets himself filthy in the garden!!! The first one was quite an experience - sme one held him and i sponged him and we kept talking to him and he was fine. The second time i'd bought him a non slip bath mat and thoought i'd be able...
  5. J

    Help please! Darcy's eye - please look at pic!

    Dylan's had that too - the vets gave me some eye drops which helped a bit but the vets advised me when he went back for a check up that they can get easily irrated in their eyes even with a simple bit of a draft so don't worry, as mentioned just bathe it, but make sure you wipe his fur after and...
  6. J

    Just been neutered - need some advice

    Hopes this works.
  7. J

    Just been neutered - need some advice

    Here is a link to a couple of pictures of Dylan Took them this morning. http://www.angelfire.com/hiphop4/piccies/dylan02.jpg http://www.angelfire.com/hiphop4/piccies/dylan_01.jpg
  8. J

    Eloise has a runny nose/letting go

    How old is she? Does she seem 'off sorts' if you see what i mean?
  9. J

    Just been neutered - need some advice

    he's a lot better - stole himself a carrot out the veg rack so he must be feeling better!!Running round like a crazy man again!!I'll try post some pics in a bit for everyone to see.
  10. J

    is it ok to let the buns out when is raining???

    Dylan hates the rain!!He goes mental if you splash water on him after you've washed your hands!!!
  11. J

    Just been neutered - need some advice

    cheers for the advice - i think he's just feeling sorry for himself - i'll have to take some new piccie's of him and post them, don't think i've got any recent ones on my camera!!
  12. J

    Just been neutered - need some advice

    thanks - it's just so strange seeing him quite quiet as he's normally a real live wire and alwasy eating!!Hes normally always in his litter tray as he knows he generally gets a treat if he's a 'good boy'. hehe
  13. J

    Just been neutered - need some advice

    Hi, Dylan my mini lop was neutered yesterday ( 14/4) and i picked him up at about 4 pm. He was a little drowsy but hopping round none the less. He wouldn't eat any of his food and still isn't today - he'll eat grapes and broccoli (his fav's) but doesn't seem to have much of an appetite, he is...