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Recent content by JadedRed

  1. J

    Bad times :( - U/D amputation U/D He's Died :(

    I know and they said that from what they found had he not had the operation he would have died in a matter of days, at least this way i didn't have to make the choice to put him to sleep which would have really hurt. If he hadn't have had the operation or if i had put it off like i was tempted...
  2. J

    Bad times :( - U/D amputation U/D He's Died :(

    Arthur died yesterday on the operating table :( The tumour was in around his heart and lungs and after they removed it his heart stopped. I miss him so much. I haven't been able to go through all the new photos i took of him the night before he went in so that will have to do for now.
  3. J

    Cleaning an orthopaedic pet bed

    I tried some fabric cleaner but found that old fashioned water, sponge and elbow grease has worked best so far.
  4. J

    Bad times :( - U/D amputation U/D He's Died :(

    Thank you :)
  5. J

    Bad times :( - U/D amputation U/D He's Died :(

    Thanks again, thats very reassuring :)
  6. J

    Cleaning an orthopaedic pet bed

    Any ideas? I'm talking about the lumpy foam bit, i can take the cover off and machine wash it but Arthur has peed through to the foam.
  7. J

    Bad times :( - U/D amputation U/D He's Died :(

    Actually he was my second opinion :D, thanks.
  8. J

    Vibes for Bertie, Debbie (Purplebumble)'s bun please

    Poor bun :( I hope all goes as well as it possibly can *vibes*
  9. J

    Bad times :( - U/D amputation U/D He's Died :(

    Thank you, i'm glad i dont have to worry about stressing him out with the treatment (i've had to practically rugby tackle my mums dog in the past to get his ear drops in and it stressful for them to have to put up with some horrible human sitting on them and shoving them full of drugs when they...
  10. J

    Bad times :( - U/D amputation U/D He's Died :(

    LOL, Arthur has tried that too!
  11. J

    Bad times :( - U/D amputation U/D He's Died :(

    I gave him his first dose yesterday and he seem to like it :) Only problem i had was he seemed to want to eat the syringe. Still looking for recommendations for vets in the area if anyone has any.
  12. J

    Bad times :( - U/D amputation U/D He's Died :(

    Thank you very much :)
  13. J

    Bad times :( - U/D amputation U/D He's Died :(

    Thank you :)
  14. J

    Bad times :( - U/D amputation U/D He's Died :(

    I dont know what test she was doing but she removed something from the area that looked like blood into a syringe and put it on to a slide. Arthur is about 7 but he is a giant breed and i'm led to believe they dont live as long. I dont know how to describe his health, he eats fine, he drinks...
  15. J

    Bad times :( - U/D amputation U/D He's Died :(

    I think she did, she took what looked like blood out with a needle and put a bit on a slide so i assume thats what she was doing, i was quite upset so probably not paying as much attention as i should have. I think i will get a second opinion anyway but can anyone recommend good rabbit vets...