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Recent content by jacklop

  1. J

    Is My Rabbit Sick?

    We've took out a policy with sainsburys pet insurance which we've heard good reviews of. I was awaiting confirmation from somebody more experienced before attempting to remove the hair, which has been left. I was just wondering if it was a quick fix. Looks like a trip to the vet's will be...
  2. J

    Is My Rabbit Sick?

    The other lumps almost seem like scar tissue or cartilage. I've attached a photo below You can see an existing lump just below the 'infected' one Sent from my SM-G850F using Tapatalk
  3. J

    Is My Rabbit Sick?

    I don't know I'm just being paranoid with us just getting used to her. Does the bit on her ear look bad to you? I don't know if it's just the ingrown hair giving her grief, would I be foolish to try and remove it? Sent from my SM-G850F using Tapatalk
  4. J

    Is My Rabbit Sick?

    She's seems a bit drowsy today, not eating out of my hands or running wild around the flat lime she normally does. I thought I'd get some advise here first because the vet's pricey! Sent from my SM-G850F using Tapatalk
  5. J

    Is My Rabbit Sick?

    It doesn't look like a cut, more like a puss filled spot with what looks like an ingrown hair coming out. The hair is a lot darker than the rest of her coat Sent from my SM-G850F using Tapatalk
  6. J

    Is My Rabbit Sick?

    To start, this is my first forum post so apologies if it's in the wrong place. My girlfriend and I have rescued Gloria about a month ago and we've been very busy replacing chewed wires and generally tending to her every need. She's a german lop and we were warned about her temper. We've never...