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Recent content by Ivor/Anna

  1. I

    Tellngton TTouch Training

    I found TT Touch far too confusing and rigid. However I can only say positive things about massage for my rabbits. I feel as though the time I spend stroking them is now more 'effective'. I mean, that the rabbits seem to enjoy it more, relax more and also show signs of pleasure such as gentle...
  2. I

    Anna Sophia

    Anna looks like such a cutie-and actually sat still for a moment, thought I would celebrate by showing you all :)
  3. I

    bond break down?!? Help Please

    Oh no-does that mean they see me as a threat? It is my presence that triggers it! Why woudl they see me as a threat-apart from its always me that clips their nails and grooms them which they hate. What can i do?
  4. I

    bond break down?!? Help Please

    Referred Aggression? Ill go and look it up, thank you. It is just fur pullig and chasing nothing more serious as yet. Hopefully they will be ok, Ivor deals with Anna humping him quite well, he rmeinds her who is boss but doesnt take it too far. Thanks for responses :D
  5. I

    bond break down?!? Help Please

    Hi, anna and ivor get along really well most of the time however every time I go into their room to give them attention anna starts humping ivor and they start chasing. They dont stop chasing until i leave!. It doesnt happen with my partner just me-are they fighting over me!? What can I do...
  6. I

    Hay only Day???

    Ive looked into hay only diets and tried it with Ivor, it seemed to have a really good effect on his poos and he lost alot of his christmas weight. I would have kept it up but Anna came along and she is very thin-whatever Anna eats Ivor eats, having them on different diets and living together...
  7. I

    Presents for Rabbits

    Its Anna's first birthday on sunday and I want to get her a nice present (it's also christmas coming up!), does anyone have any ideas? Does anyone else celebrate their rabbits birthdays? :)
  8. I

    Rabbit dominance over owner!

    Thanks for that I will try it. Just to add he is already neutered, he has always been quite dominant and very confidant like this even when he was a baby. Are there any other ways to let him know that I am the dominant one?
  9. I

    Rabbit dominance over owner!

    Thats really interesting, they may feel threatened when humans are looming over them. I was wondering if Ivor maybe thought he was dominant because sometimes he will lower himself down and I will stroke his head, I read that when rabbits are bonding they do the same position to subordinate...
  10. I

    Rabbit dominance over owner!

    Is there anything that can be done to make sure Ivor my dutch male doesnt thing he rules my flat!? At the moment he is being very bolshy, with Anna but also with me, he has small matts on the back of his leg but i cant get to them. He is very clever which gets him into trouble, I just want him...
  11. I


    Just an update to say that the rebonding went well, I repeated the whole bonding process form the start. Anna was kept in the cage for a week to allow her ear to heal and Ivor had access to sniff her. Then put them together on neutral ground and they were ok. There is still a bit of chasing...
  12. I


    Ive had a look through and cant find the answer to my question so im opening a new thread. I have a neutered male dutch and a spayed female english, they have been noded and living together happily for about 4 months, on saturday they started fighting quite badly. The fight was over a willow...
  13. I

    Fur Matting

    Ivor has a matt at the back by his bum but not close enough to his bum for me to worry about poo and flies etc. Anyway just wondering if there is anything that will help soften the matt. Ivor wont let me get near it with any of the brushed, it must be really hurting when i try to pull it...
  14. I

    how many of you have.......

    I've just bonded my male and female (both neutered). Waching them together is amazing and worth all the stress and months of work.
  15. I

    Landlord kicked me out because of rabbits.

    Thanks for your help, if this new flat falls through then atleast I have some leverage with the curretn estate agents and wont end up with me and bunnies on the streets! The new fla tI looked at was really nice and we are hoping to take it, unfortunately there are three other people...