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Recent content by heidi01

  1. H

    Spayed bunnies getting worse!!

    Thanks for the replies. They are not actually fighting, just one chasing the other round, but not constantly. Think I will keep an eye on them and only seperate if it gets worse. Seems such a shame because the rest of the time they are still really close, cuddling, grooming etc... Just...
  2. H

    Spayed bunnies getting worse!!

    Betty and Clover spayed last Friday (8 months old, had started spraying and mounting each other so got them done quickly!). All went well, kept them indoors for two nights then back into their outside cage on Sunday. They have been fine and seemed very settled until this morning...
  3. H

    Sisters...should I seperate them?

    Poor little buns!! Poor little Clover and Betty feeling very sorry for themselves after having their operation today :cry: ...... but they are home tucked up indoors. They are both very quiet but have been eaten and drunk a little. Thanks again for all your advice :)
  4. H

    Sisters...should I seperate them?

    Thank you and more advice needed pls!! Just wanted to say thanks for all yr replies :) Both bunnies going to vets on Monday to be spayed. Have found a lovely vet locally who seems particularly knowledgeable about rabbits. Just wondered if anyone has any advice after their op?? The vet said...
  5. H

    Sisters...should I seperate them?

    Thanks for replying to my question :) No they have not been spayed. Do you think I need to have them both done or would just getting Clover (the most domineering bunny) spayed maybe do the trick??
  6. H

    Sisters...should I seperate them?

    Have bunny sisters, Betty and Clover, just under eight months old, who have never been seperated and always appeared very close. During the last month they have started spraying in their hutch and mounting eachother (much to the horror of my daughter!). The mounting seems to occur more when...
  7. H


    Have just joined as having a few problems with my bunnies, Clover and Betty, who are sisters. Just about to post a thread but wanted to say Hello first!! :wave: