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Recent content by hatchethottie

  1. H

    An outdoor bunny into an indoor bunny?

    super! ill give it a go then. They often come in the house of their own accord, when I leave the back door open they wander in for a nosey! So they are already sort of familier with the smells etc
  2. H

    Bunnies in disguise

    I am originally a tropical fish breeder, but recently got 2 bunnies which were being given away as they were unwanted litters. I have read extensively and now want to keep them as house pets. So hello all! You can be sure Ill be asking a lot of questions! Ill post some pics up soon too! They are...
  3. H

    An outdoor bunny into an indoor bunny?

    Thats basically my question, I have been missing the interaction with them while they have been outside, and as I work from home would love them to live indoors. Is it possible to move them inside without too much stress? Or because they have been outside since I got them (about 2 weeks, they...
  4. H

    New bunnies - few questions

    They are about 7 weeks now, but i didnt realise that was too young! Theyve just started developing their proper colours. They are being taken to the vet to be spayed and given the once over in a couple of weeks. Thanks x
  5. H

    New bunnies - few questions

    Hi everyone. I am new to rabbit keeping. I used to have one as a young child but dont really class that as experience as I was so young. However, I read up extensively before getting them. Anyway. I got 2 female lionhead bunnies (5 week old) I saw the mother and other rabbits from the same...