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Recent content by gaz1234

  1. G

    E. cuniculi. Vet has suggested euthanasia.

    Thanks for the advice everyone. Obviously it was a huge shock to be told to put him to sleep, husband and I have been a mess all afternoon. He's otherwise a really healthy boy, like I said up until this morning he was fine. He's still not eating for himself but he's happy to be syringe fed. She...
  2. G

    E. cuniculi. Vet has suggested euthanasia.

    So, woke up this morning to Gary not eating his nuggets (he ate fine last night at 9pm). I separated him from his partner so I could see if he was pooping/peeing (he's peeing but no poop). I noticed that his head was ever so slightly tilted and his eyes were moving from left to right...