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Recent content by ForeverBunnies

  1. F

    Bunny Shopping Troubles

    I have looked and most if not all of the indoor images I have seen look do not bigger then what I have? In fact they look smaller. Although many of the images are broken so I can only comment on what I have seen Mine looks like this Mine was made by Boyles and is the same as the image below...
  2. F

    Bunny Shopping Troubles

    How can you find the space for something that big in a flat!?! The measurements I gave are 4 and a half feet by 3 and a half feet. Its not that far off the recommendations. Many 6ft enclosures I see are very narrow and filled with loads of litter trays and so the rabbit cannot run around much at...
  3. F

    Bunny Shopping Troubles

    My indoor pen is 1.4m x 1.1m x 1m. Find for two small bunnies as its quite a big area, i mean I can almost lay in it. But it falls under rescues recommendations?
  4. F

    Bunny Shopping Troubles

    Hi There I used this forum years ago and haven't been here since. So I am new and not new! I just wanted to ask a question as I have always kept buns, however now I have 0 as my previous one passed away over a month ago. She was 12. I have just started bun shopping and finding it somewhat...