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Recent content by floppybunnysfloshouse

  1. F

    baby buns

    My baby buns that are now 7 days old ! They were totally unexpected and as Ive never had them at this young age im a bit unsure of what they should be like or what they should be doing! Usually i take the bunnies that others dont want or are unable to keep. There is 6 in total, they seem to...
  2. F


    Hello Again ! I don't like to see unwanted animals ! I have quite a few years rabbity experience but this has never happened as I get them all neutered or spayed soon as I get them normally but these 2 seemed happy as they were so I left them 2 it! It just surprised me totally! Ta x
  3. F

    what do I do???????

    the next step ...... I'm not going to separate them The honey coloured bunny is quite relaxed and eating and drinking like normal and she was in the run as she did before - she seems to be less thick set now so I'm going to take a chance. If there are any more tips then please please send...
  4. F

    what do I do???????

    Ok so far ........... I have checked them out and they are definatley both females. Ive only had them about 3 weeks, they have always lived together while with me, obviously not before they were with me !! Thanks
  5. F


    Hi Just thought I would say hello to all of you here Im in east sussex and enjoy all my bunnies which I have rescued because people have no longer wanted them. I will take any unwanted bunnies or guinea pigs that are in the east sussex area close to me - I will collect. Bye for now Flo
  6. F

    what do I do???????

    Hi If anyone can tell me what to do then pleas make as many suggestions as you can !!! I was given 2 female bunnies a honey coloured one and a black lionhead. This morning one of them has had babies in the night and I don't know which one - the honey coloured bunny has pulled some of her fur...