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Recent content by Fafa

  1. F

    Newbie from S.Georgia

    My son is 5 and was just so natural with him. It was hard to tell him his new friend was gone ♡♥♡→Brittany←♡♥♡
  2. F

    Newbie from S.Georgia

    Im so upset. Fafa passed this morning in the way to the vet. He had terrible diarrhea last night and allthis morning. I think the breeder sold us a sick bunny we have only had him since saturday. I have no way of contacting them. Kids are in school and im devastated for them... ♡♥♡→Brittany←♡♥♡
  3. F

    Newbie from S.Georgia

  4. F

    Newbie from S.Georgia

    Awesome! I love this area :) glad to see a local (ish) person here lol ♡♥♡→Brittany←♡♥♡
  5. F

    Newbie from S.Georgia

    Thanks guys! He is a kisser! I was getting knots out of his mane last night all the while he was licking my hands. Never knew rabbits were so loving. He's my special pal! ♡♥♡→Brittany←♡♥♡
  6. F

    Newbie from S.Georgia

    Meet Fafa. Our new little lion head. The kids and I cant get enough of his love and affection! I cant wait to share our daily ventures with this little guy, my facebook friends can only handle so much haha Thanks for reading ♡♥♡→Brittany←♡♥♡