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Recent content by ellissian

  1. E

    Hope & Harvey

    They both are in a sense. Harvey was left free to roam outside of a pet shop and did'nt even have a hutch of his own. Hope was kept in flithy conditions and I mean disgusting at this breeders place. All the buns were kept like this, I've never seen so many instects and flies crawling around...
  2. E

    Hope & Harvey

    Hope is now 15 weeks old and has really gained weight well, she is so funny and has a lot of attitude for a little bunny. :) She looks a lot healthier now from the emaciated scrawny bunnie I brought home 3 weeks ago. Harvey is also settling in well too, he is so much at ease inside...
  3. E

    A VERY Long tribute to my special black loppy boy Milly.

    It's been exactly a month since I love my baby and I still don't feel any better. :cry: I miss him so much and although I now have Hope and Harvey, it's not the same without Milly. I just wish I could stop blaming myself and thinking there was more I could of done.........but I can't. :(
  4. E

    My beautiful bunnys

    I'm so sorry, I cannot imagine your pain right now. :cry: I lost my bunny Milly not long ago and I know the pain and loss I feel over him but 9 babies........I'm so truely sorry. :shock: :cry: Binky free little ones! :love:
  5. E

    Faye (cottonmather) want to see your gps?

    Aw, they are so sweet. :) I have 5 piggies 3 sows and 2 boars.
  6. E

    update on 7 dumped bunnies - more pics!

    Well, if you are please look after my possible new baby Huey! :D
  7. E


    I'm so sorry, binky free Mia. :(
  8. E

    A VERY Long tribute to my special black loppy boy Milly.

    I think you may be right about him being an angel, thank you. :)
  9. E

    Seven babies - Help needed - pics added!!

    Oh, I really wish all these black lops did'nt live so far away from me. :(
  10. E

    update on 7 dumped bunnies - more pics!

    "The kids" Are you looking for a home for the black lop?
  11. E

    Gizmo the Cat

    Sorry double post.
  12. E

    Gizmo the Cat

    I'm so sorry :( I feel so bad about bothering you today, sorry.
  13. E

    A little gem of advice I got yesterday.....

    Well my P @ H is totally ****, they house their rabbits and guinea pigs together. The last time I was in a baby pig looked really sick, so I told a member of staff. She glanced at it and said "Oh it's probably been sitting under the water bottle". WHAT.....I could inderstand were she was...
  14. E

    Is it the weather?

    I have noticed mine go quieter when it's raining, maybe it's just a coinsidence.