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Recent content by dillymug

  1. D

    A&P Pellets - South Hampshire

    It's sort of half way between Southampton and Portsmouth. Just off J9/J11 of the M27. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Fareham&sll=50.851453,-1.179016&sspn=0.103173,0.3368&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Fareham,+Hampshire,+United+Kingdom&z=12
  2. D

    A&P Pellets - South Hampshire

    I got them from Kitnocks Farm which is near Botley. It's just off the A334. Hope this helps! :)
  3. D

    A&P Pellets - South Hampshire

    Hi, I hope I'm posting this in the right place - if not I'm sorry! I've bought a 20kg bag of A&P natural pellets however this is too much as at the moment I've only got 1 rabbit. I was wondering if there was anyone out there in South Hampshire who would be interested in buying half (or any other...
  4. D


    Hello All! Having found this forum through adopting a bunny I've become a bit obsessed so thought it was time to join. I lost my beautiful man Gus in April this year. He was six and sadly had a heart attack under general anesthetic during a dental opp. He had terrible trouble with his teeth and...