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Recent content by Craftycraftings

  1. C

    Hand rearing success!

    Hopefully this one works xx sorry about that and thanks for the advice :) https://m.facebook.com/crafty.craftings.3/albums/368039337429770/?ref=m_notif&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic
  2. C

    Hand rearing success!

    We have reached week 8 on Inlé's journey! So far he has weaned himself and is on Alfalfa, Timothy and excel pellets. Nice golden round poops and lots of naughtiness! You can see some pics here...
  3. C

    Messy fur (handreared kit)

    Thank you. X I've not had him vaccinated yet Incase he still has any of the illness in him. I was told vacs knock them down a little for a few days. I've not had fudge near inlé. He is in quarrentien in my room. Hes sleeping on my shoulder as I type.
  4. C

    Messy fur (handreared kit)

    Well that's a long sad story, Firstly I got 2 pet shop rabbits (never again) both was supposedly female. They wasnt. The inevitable happened and we ended up with a litter which we stumbled upon in the back garden. Immediately seperated the mum and dad. Everything was going great until the kits...
  5. C

    Messy fur (handreared kit)

    I hope this work for photos x https://m.facebook.com/crafty.craftings.3/albums/368039337429770/
  6. C

    Messy fur (handreared kit)

    I hope this works lol for photos xhttp://https://m.facebook.com/crafty.craftings.3/albums/368039337429770/
  7. C

    Messy fur (handreared kit)

    I'm having a bit of a moment, I dont know how to upload :/
  8. C

    Messy fur (handreared kit)

    As some of you may know I am hand rearing a kit who is now 4 week old. I am concerned about his coat it is messy no matter what I do. I've tried dry bathing, cotton wool and warm water, eyelash brush. But nothing works. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'll pop some pics on x
  9. C

    Hand rearing (bloated ?)

    Thank you so much x Yes just the one kit (male) only survivor of 6. He was the biggest of the litter so that may have given him an extra boost. We have (controversially) named him Inlé as he is all black. The advice in this forum is phenomenal, I researched a lot on here before I joined. Thank...
  10. C

    Hand rearing (bloated ?)

    Yes I had a read when you mentioned it :) some great info x
  11. C

    Hand rearing (bloated ?)

    The kit is 3 weeks old not 2. Currently on lactol cat milk and whole goats milk. Gave some fibreplex and encouraged movement for 10 min every hour then left him to sleep and hoped for the best. Today bloat has gone, kit behaving normally, lively. Also feels warmer.
  12. C

    Hand rearing (bloated ?)

    Hi yes seeing and pooping normally, still on milk but has a couple of pellets in there too.
  13. C

    Hand rearing (bloated ?)

    I've been hand rearing an orphan domestic rabbit for 2 weeks (3 weeks old) I fed it at 5am and let it feed until it didnt want anymore. Today the kit doesn't want any milk still looks full and seems sleepy. This hasn't happened before.